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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

These are the days of our lives...

Oh the days you wish you could crawl back into bed and stay there. The days where you have unanswered questions and heartbreak. You know how you have the days where you have a super strong faith in God and no matter what happens, you know it will be okay? Those are sometimes followed by the "Why God? I don't get it" days. I hate those. I hate asking those questions but yet find it so theraputic and I know that God doesn't mind me having questions. But I have to keep going along because to lose that faith would be an even bigger heartbreak. So for now I will rest in His assurance and know that it is well with my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I know those days too... it is very comforting that God doesn't mind our questions. If he did, I think we would ALL be in trouble! I saw this video today about the questions we have for God. I think it fits in well with your post. You should check it out if you get some time! :)
