So anyways, Nick and I were taking a walk last night - it was so beautiful outside! We walk around the neigherborhood into other subdivisions - it takes about 20-30 minutes to walk it. About 1/2 through the walk, we see a cat perched on a post outside of a house (mind you, it was dark out). I said "Oh pretty kitty! Hi kitty! You have a tag like Inky. You have spots like our cat. I think you are our cat. You are our cat. Sigh". Nick scooped him up and carried him all the way home. I think everyone in the neighborhood knows Inky. He has lost 2 break-away collars - both returned by different neighbors. Oh Inky - and here I thought you were just a cat. Nope, you are OUR very special cat.
awwww!!! INKYYYYY!!! He is oh so special!!